Sunday, September 29, 2013

Apple reportedly admits: iPhone 5 s Fingerprint Database to be shared with NSA

The report which follows was taken from a source of independent information, the original report is available @ National report. We at HackRead do not take responsibility for the authenticity of this news.

As technology becomes more sophisticated and more, users are increasingly concerned about their privacy problem. They want their gadgets to be sure any kind of bug or breakage that can violate their privacy or imposes certain responsibilities.

With regard to the sharing of fingerprints issue with the NSA, Apple had no position clear knowledge if they will share the database of fingerprints with NSA or not. After hours and hours of trying by phone, I finally managed to get through and had a conversation with an employee of Apple and got some answers to my questions.

iPhone 5s, fingerprint sensor has already been hacked, Apple users have something more to worry about. An article published by National report says apple has admitted the fact that he will share the database of fingerprints with the NSA because there is nothing unconstitutional on this subject.

The source cited by the National report is allegedly Tim Richardson, the district of North America Department Apple's marketing director, stated that "of course the merger between the database of fingerprints and the NSA database will be". The concept of having such a safety device in the new Apple Phone came from someone within the Government. NSA has worked on a database to make it compatible with new technology iPhone 5 s the Apple'.

The iPhone 5 comes with an emergency power supply device that prevents it from closing. This feature coupled with GPS which is integrated will allow the police track the exact location of a criminal. Officials are of the opinion that the suspects will be be apprehended in a month after what they have done an act.

The Director of marketing when asked about the concerns of privacy that people have, he said that "If anyone can be foolish enough to allow the use of such specific details by some unknown companies or officials, then we are not the only one to blame here. In fact, it is something of fact to promote overall good. "Criminals that officials are waiting to catch through it are very dangerous".

"To elsewhere if we have a look at the constitution, it does no such stipulation which allows the use of the fingerprints of the public against themselves while they submitted fingerprints voluntarily. ''

While the NSA and Apple have full rights to use these data voluntarily submitted by customers, some consumers are not particularly happy with this idea. A conversation with an old man who is an iPhone user, and he said that "he likes the novelty because it is not good to remember passwords because of his age. "He also said that despite the ease of the new feature, it comes with a concern to be stringed with murders that I could have done in the 1970s... well this is not actually the freedom and its certainly not America".

Let us know what you think of the issue? are you satisfied with your fingerprints being shared with the NSA?

[Via: National report]

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